- September 01, 2021
Addiko Bank Switches to 4me to Be More Efficient and Agile
4me’s next-generation service management solution provides visibility and service agility
Addiko Group consists of Addiko Bank AG, the fully licensed Austrian parent bank registered in Vienna, Austria, as well as six subsidiary banks, registered, licensed, and operating in five CSEE countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. Through its six subsidiary banks, Addiko Group serves almost one million customers, mainly in the Balkan countries, using a well-dispersed network of around 160 branches and modern digital banking channels.
Addiko Group is a specialist Consumer and SME banking group with a focus on growing its consumer and SME lending activities as well as payment services. Banking products and services have been standardized to improve efficiency, provide superior customer experience, and maintain asset quality via a prudent risk approach.
In need of a next-generation enterprise service management solution
Addiko Croatia initiated the switch to a new service management solution. They were using a BMC Service Desk tool which was quite outdated and needed a more modern solution with additional features like the automized opening of tickets, customization, real-time monitoring, and connecting with other tools such as asset management and external vendors.
They started a tender process and out of 7 solutions, including service management tools like 4me, Atlassian Jira and ServiceNow, 4me was chosen.
Branka Jukić, Senior ITSM and IT Controlling Specialist at Addiko Bank says: “4me was the solution we liked best. 4me offers everything out of the box; incident management, service requests, asset management, anything you need is there for you to use.”
“Also, the 4me flexible licensing was very appealing and uncomplicated. With 4me it is all included, and we can also change the number of licenses on a monthly basis, which was an advantage.”
The Croatian head office is Zagreb-based but they also have around 40 branches all over Croatia. 900 users have access to 4me in Croatia.
The holding in Austria has 140 employees in Vienna and in Klagenfurt. The IT team there is responsible for providing the IT Infrastructure for the holding; the two Austrian offices and 140 employees. They are responsible for the infrastructure for the offices, infrastructure for the workplace, applications, operational support, and business solutions for specific business and banking applications.